Tag Archives: TV Serials for Women

Business News for Men and TV Serials for Women

Whenever men are in front of TV, it’s always Sensex or corporate buyouts. When women are in front of TV, it’s daily soaps or reality shows.

In today’s world, television is not only a source of entertainment or information and knowledge but it has taken a place of another family member in the households. But still the same perception dominates in the discussions

Business News for Men and TV Serials for Women

Whereas if we look into the today’s modern families not only men but women are now interested in the business news and not only women but also men knows what’s going on in the daily soaps. Every member of the family gives his/her opinion that who will stay till the end of the reality shows. Earlier, families use to spend time together playing various table games such as carom-board but now we prefer to play live contest of the reality shows which are more fruitful, in sense of contest prizes, rather than spending quality time with the family in recreational activities.