Category Archives: Macbook

How to install Lego Mindstorms NXT 2.0 Software on Mac

To install LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT 1.1 on Mac OS 10.6+ (Snow Leopard / Lion)

  1. Copy all files from the MINDSTORMS CD to a folder on your desktop.
  2. Open that folder and look under “Parts”.
  3. Locate MindstormsUnivEdu.pkg or MindstormsUnivRet.pkg.
  4. Right-click (control-click) and choose “Show Package Contents”.
  5. Navigate into the Contents » Resources directory and delete the “preflight” file.
  6. Close this package and run the meta-package (LEGOMindstormsEngRet.mpkg) from the desktop to install MINDSTORMS NXT.

To install LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT 2.0 on Mac OS 10.6+ (Snow Leopard / Lion)

  1. Copy all files from the MINDSTORMS CD to a folder on your desktop.
  2. Open that folder and look under “Parts”.
  3. Locate MindstormsUnivEdu.pkg or MindstormsUnivRet.pkg.
  4. Right-click (control-click) and choose “Show Package Contents”.
  5. Navigate into the Contents/Resources directory and delete the “preflight” file.
  6. Close this package and run the meta-package from the desktop to install MINDSTORMS NXT

To download Lego Mindstorms NXT 2.0 software click here.

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Gtalk Extension for Chrome on Mac

I was looking at the Gtalk extension for Chrome on Mac OS X Lion (10.7) on Chrome Web Store. I liked that and installed it and now I notice that Gtalk now comes on my Mac’s menu bar as an icon.

This one is great as clicking on the icon opens up a new small Chrome window for Gtalk. So iChat beware…here comes Google without any native applications but using only Chrome browser.

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How to disable inline image attachments in Mac OS X

When you open or preview mails in in Apple Mac OS X, the first thing you have problem with is big images are getting displayed within the message. Many times this makes you frustrating because you want to read the message and not want to keep on scrolling the window left and down. This is default behavior of and does not show the images as attachments (even though sender had sent as attachment).

To overcome this behavior, you can disable the Inline Attachment Viewing flag for To do so, open up a terminal window from “Applications->Utilities” and type or paste below command:

defaults write DisableInlineAttachmentViewing -bool yes

At any point if you change your mind and come back to the default behavior use the below command:

defaults write DisableInlineAttachmentViewing -bool false

Restart the and voila!

Also remember, this will disrupt any HTML mails coming which have images.

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All new Apple Macbooks

New Apple Macbook

Apple has launched a all new range of their popular Macbook. Company CEO, Steve Jobs, revealed the new Macbooks at the Mac event on October 14 2008. New Macbooks have been re-designed to have a similar look and features of Macbook Air. With a single piece aluminium body make the Macbook more robust and strong. Apple calls it “Precision aluminum unibody enclosure“.

Some of the features include the introduction of nVidia GeForce 9400M which brings the graphics 5 times faster.

Macbook now does not have any trackpad button but the whole glass trackpad has been transformed into a button, so you can click anywhere on the trackpad. Also, the popular feature of Apple multi-touch has been included in the Macbook range with the features of pinch-pounce and multi-finger gestures.

Inside the new MacBook is a powerful Intel Core 2 Duo processor running at speeds up to 2.4GHz. MacBook also boasts an increased 1066MHz frontside bus and next-generation 1066MHz DDR3 memory. Macbooks now also have the option for new Solid State Drive which were earlier only available in the Macbook Air.

Also, Apple decreased the price for the older white version of the Macbook to $999. New Macbook range is starting from $1299.

You can further check the design details at the following link

Surely, my next notebook choice will be the new 13 inch Apple Macbook with 4GB RAM and 360GB of HDD.

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