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How to install Lego Mindstorms NXT 2.0 Software on Mac

To install LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT 1.1 on Mac OS 10.6+ (Snow Leopard / Lion)

  1. Copy all files from the MINDSTORMS CD to a folder on your desktop.
  2. Open that folder and look under “Parts”.
  3. Locate MindstormsUnivEdu.pkg or MindstormsUnivRet.pkg.
  4. Right-click (control-click) and choose “Show Package Contents”.
  5. Navigate into the Contents » Resources directory and delete the “preflight” file.
  6. Close this package and run the meta-package (LEGOMindstormsEngRet.mpkg) from the desktop to install MINDSTORMS NXT.

To install LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT 2.0 on Mac OS 10.6+ (Snow Leopard / Lion)

  1. Copy all files from the MINDSTORMS CD to a folder on your desktop.
  2. Open that folder and look under “Parts”.
  3. Locate MindstormsUnivEdu.pkg or MindstormsUnivRet.pkg.
  4. Right-click (control-click) and choose “Show Package Contents”.
  5. Navigate into the Contents/Resources directory and delete the “preflight” file.
  6. Close this package and run the meta-package from the desktop to install MINDSTORMS NXT

To download Lego Mindstorms NXT 2.0 software click here.

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Gtalk Extension for Chrome on Mac

I was looking at the Gtalk extension for Chrome on Mac OS X Lion (10.7) on Chrome Web Store. I liked that and installed it and now I notice that Gtalk now comes on my Mac’s menu bar as an icon.

This one is great as clicking on the icon opens up a new small Chrome window for Gtalk. So iChat beware…here comes Google without any native applications but using only Chrome browser.

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Syntax Highlighter

Well after looking at one of the blog site, I also got interested in integrating some code syntax highlighter plugin for this blog site. After looking around a bit, I came across with “SyntaxHighlighter“. This plugin is based on the Javascript package built by “Alex Gorbatchev“.

SyntaxHighlighter is currently used by ApacheAptanaMozillaYahooWordPressBug LabsFreshbooks and others.

Here is a sample output of it:

using System;
public class HelloWorld
    public static void Main(string[] args) {
	Console.Write("Hello World!");
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How to disable inline image attachments in Mac OS X

When you open or preview mails in in Apple Mac OS X, the first thing you have problem with is big images are getting displayed within the message. Many times this makes you frustrating because you want to read the message and not want to keep on scrolling the window left and down. This is default behavior of and does not show the images as attachments (even though sender had sent as attachment).

To overcome this behavior, you can disable the Inline Attachment Viewing flag for To do so, open up a terminal window from “Applications->Utilities” and type or paste below command:

defaults write DisableInlineAttachmentViewing -bool yes

At any point if you change your mind and come back to the default behavior use the below command:

defaults write DisableInlineAttachmentViewing -bool false

Restart the and voila!

Also remember, this will disrupt any HTML mails coming which have images.

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